End of year PlayDay | May 16

DAY: Tuesday, May 16
TIME: 9-11:00 am (8:30 warmup) | 11-11:30 am (business meeting)
PLACE: South Austin Tennis Center  | MAP |
COST: $10 covers tennis, drinks and snacks ($11 online)
DEADLINE: Saturday, May 13

Join us for a fun day of social tennis to wrap up the AWTA fiscal year, followed by a brief business meeting and the election of new officers. No rain date for this event, which is hosted by Team “Chill.”

This event is for current AWTA members only. Remember that your annual membership runs through May 31, but you may renew for the coming year online or by mail beginning May 1.

QUESTIONS? Contact membership@austinwta.com or 512.865.0662.

Sign up online using the form below.

AND pay by credit card through PayPal using the ADD to CART button below.


Download, print and fill out a .pdf  entry form and mail it with a $10 check to AWTA to:

Betty Davis
6612 Dogwood Creek Dr.
Austin, TX 78746

If you have questions about this event, please contact Betty at davisiis@hotmail.com or phone 512.560.0863